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About Us


Oppo Supports Limited is the UK’s largest medical supports supplier, having specialised in this important market since 1988. Originally supplying sports medical supports, the range was expanded in 1998, creating the OPPO brand which was our initial step into the pharmaceuticals market.

The OPPO brand is now well respected amongst medical physicians and physiotherapists alike, with OPPO products providing comfortable support to help with the healing and rehabilitation process.

The whole OPPO range of products is the result of an extensive ongoing research and development program. OPPO has an enviable reputation, giving both quality and value for money as the most successful range of medical supports in the UK.

Whatever your ailment, the Oppo range should have a support that will make life more comfortable. Each support is rigorously tested for quality, and since all OPPO products are handcrafted, we guarantee them to be free of defects in both workmanship and material.

This guide has been produced to help choose the support that is appropriate for the conditions described. Should you have any concern with any condition, always consult your GP.