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Metatarsal Insoles / 5405


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OPPO Metatarsal Insoles prevent pressure and shock waves on the heel and metatarsals. Slim design fits into high heels. Quality metatarsal insoles.
OPPO Metatarsal Insoles | 5405

OPPO Metatarsal Insoles prevent pressure and shock waves on the heel and metatarsals.

They include raised metatarsal pads which support the transverse arch and help redistribute pressure on forefoot area. They also help to realign metatarsal heads.

These OPPO Metatarsal Insoles are very effective in relieving severe forefoot discomfort and callus build up. They also help to reduce numbness associated with Morton’s disease.

They have a slim design which will fit into most shoes, including high heels and are available in three different sizes (see sizing guide).


  UK Shoe Size
N1 1 - 3 ½
N2 4 - 6 ½
N3 7 ½ - 8
Hand wash and air dry, then spread with talcum powder. Do not machine dry.